Friday, June 24, 2011

Just checking in....

Well, things are still on an even keel when it comes to my work place. So far my ears have not heard anything too extreme. The new Supervisor seems to be making her way around on her own, making the changes as she see’s fit. We may not agree with them but hey, she’s the one in charge so we just have to accept and adjust. I do have to smile to myself as a few unexpected things have happened. One being that the new supervisor had sent an email to a few of us asking if anyone was available to cover a few shifts next week. Well, a carbon copy of this email was sent to the new manager of the Parks and Rec. Department. When I replied letting her know that I was not available and also included the dates I would be away on holidays I had hit the reply to all button which included the Manager. Well low and behold the Manager sent me a reply back telling me to have a wonderful holiday. That was rather surprising but it also felt really good. That email will be filed away along with a few others I have been keeping.
Tomorrow I will be participating in helping to break a Guinness World record for Zumba. More will follow about that that tomorrow.
Well my plane fair is all booked AND paid for and now the big count down has begun. I’ll be leaving on July 4th and will be spending a week with one of my oldest friends. I’m looking forward to reconnecting with her on a face to face visit. Facebook, MSN and blogging is all good, but nothing is better than an actual visit. We have gone through some much needed personal growth and have come to terms with certain things that had made our friendship stall. The hardest thing we both had to come to terms with was the fact that we both said and done things that we were not proud of. We also learned that if a person can not admit to their part in being wrong then there could be no room for understanding and forgiving. After all, life is way to short to live with senseless drama.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Just this and that

Not much has really happened in my little corner of the world. The heat and humidity seems to be playing hide and seek lately as does the sun. About a week and a half ago the humidity was very high and on went the central air. Bentley was more then happy to bask in the cool air of the house!
My work schedule is only a few hours a week, but that’s ok. With the different changes going on it’s better to stay away and stay quiet. I have given up my preschool Instructor position for better things but have stayed with my night time and weekend Facility Supervisor position. When I went in to work for the first time since the changes have started and upon entering the office I immediately seen and felt the changes. I could “see” the changes since furniture had been moved around and gone are the decorative pictures that adorned the wall. There are only 2 things hanging on the wall so far and it’s a framed certificate of the new Supervisor and a decorative ornament left by the old Supervisor which will probably be taken down within the next little while. I also felt the change. It’s weird, but the whole vibe of the office had changed. I guess only time will tell how the changes will affect each and every one of us.

I’m also thinking that maybe enough time has passed and tempers, hurt feelings and negative feelings are beginning to clear. Time does heal, if one allows it. I’m sure there will be moments of frustrations but if I keep to my own inner changes then I think things will be ok. I’m sure someone will try and add their own little snippets of their thoughts to this situation but again, that’s out of my control so I can’t worry about that. I’m a big girl now and can’t be bothered with drama and drama queens.

You may not be able to control the wind, but you CAN adjust your sails.

This spring we had our usual visitors making their home in the far corner of the front porch. I look forward to their visit every spring and I’m never disappointed. It’s amazing watching the process. Starting from the nest building to the birth of the baby birds and then finally the day when they take their first solo flight. Now that the newest members of that family have begun their new life and the home has been abandoned, I took the hose to the front porch washing the left over debris away. To me, that’s the last sign of spring. This past weekend was spent making a small pond just off the far corner of the deck. It was a lot of work but certainly worth it. Once we get the sod laid around the foundation and a few gold fish to enhance my rendition of nature I’ll be all set.When the Rose of Sharon bushes bloom and are filled with a wonderful flowery scent, a book in one hand and a nice afternoon cup of tea/iced tea, I can definitely see myself enjoying the lazy hazy days of summer!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Well, I guess I’m not the only one that is adjusting to change. Seems another is closing one door and opening another. Its’ certainly going to add a different spin on things and I’m sure there are going to be changes. I’m all for changing things now that I see the direction I need to go. I congratulated this person on their new endeavour and assured them I will lend a hand when ever needed. I know things will not be the same, and a few will have things to say, but all in all I’m happy about it. More to come when the news is officially announced. And yes……………I am doing the happy dance!!!!