Wow, already into June and summer is peeking around the
corner, although one couldn’t tell with the weather we have been having. One
week it is so hot and humid that I had to buckle under and turn on the air, and
the next week it is chilly enough to wear a sweater outside. I did read the Farmer’s
Almanac for Southern Ontario Canada and they are predicting a normal June until
the end of the month and then the brutal heat moves in. I guess we’ll just have
to wait and see if these predictions ring true.
Now, the fence is all up and looking very nice. Curly Larry and Moe did a damn good job and there were only a few minor bodily ohoh’s along with more than a few oop’s. All 3 had said that the fence would be erected in ONE day because they all KNEW what they were doing, so 3 days later the final board was screwed into place. I really should have placed a friendly bet, but since I had given them the benefit of the doubt, I did what I do best and stayed quietly on the sidelines distributing Band-Aids when needed. Last fall I bought an ornamental cherry tree and I’m happy to announce it made it through the winter and bloomed exceptionally well. I just bought a yellow chain tree and I hope I have the same luck with this one. That makes a total of 9 trees in the back yard. Can you tell I love the natural look of nature in my backyard?

Lately I have been running into an acquaintance of mine. I
haven’t seen her in years but my oh my did the years catch up when she told me
her youngest daughter (who was in one of my preschool classes) was going on 18.
We seem to be meeting in different aisles in the grocery store for the past 3
weeks, but each time we stand and chat again. It’s rather funny since we have
both been growing our hair longer, she says it’s to feel youthful again (which
is true) but I say it’s cause it makes my face look skinner (which is also
true) so in fact we both look youthful with skinny faces!
I just went for my summer pedicure and right now my feet
feel like a million dollars. That won’t last long though since I am a bare foot
summer girl through and through. When I’m at home, you’ll never see me wearing
a pair of shoes. I never really liked wearing shoes and socks and the only time
I will were them is if I have to go out.
I hope everyone is enjoying the last days of spring and
making wonderful plans for the summer of 2013!