Friday, June 24, 2011

Just checking in....

Well, things are still on an even keel when it comes to my work place. So far my ears have not heard anything too extreme. The new Supervisor seems to be making her way around on her own, making the changes as she see’s fit. We may not agree with them but hey, she’s the one in charge so we just have to accept and adjust. I do have to smile to myself as a few unexpected things have happened. One being that the new supervisor had sent an email to a few of us asking if anyone was available to cover a few shifts next week. Well, a carbon copy of this email was sent to the new manager of the Parks and Rec. Department. When I replied letting her know that I was not available and also included the dates I would be away on holidays I had hit the reply to all button which included the Manager. Well low and behold the Manager sent me a reply back telling me to have a wonderful holiday. That was rather surprising but it also felt really good. That email will be filed away along with a few others I have been keeping.
Tomorrow I will be participating in helping to break a Guinness World record for Zumba. More will follow about that that tomorrow.
Well my plane fair is all booked AND paid for and now the big count down has begun. I’ll be leaving on July 4th and will be spending a week with one of my oldest friends. I’m looking forward to reconnecting with her on a face to face visit. Facebook, MSN and blogging is all good, but nothing is better than an actual visit. We have gone through some much needed personal growth and have come to terms with certain things that had made our friendship stall. The hardest thing we both had to come to terms with was the fact that we both said and done things that we were not proud of. We also learned that if a person can not admit to their part in being wrong then there could be no room for understanding and forgiving. After all, life is way to short to live with senseless drama.


Tina said...

Love the bird picture and it is so true....guess you haven't heard the latest yet lol

Anonymous said...

You can't change what you don't acknowledge and that is all part of being a grown upper lol. BTW I'm glad that after all these years, I can still be your support bra. hugs :)