Mediocre service, good food, fine wine and excellent company made for last nights Girls Night Out an enjoyable time. Over dinner we talked about what we wanted to do before our time is up on this happy and healthy (cough, cough) planet we call earth. We compared notes and made sketchy plans to at least accomplish something with in the next little while. After paying our tabs we loaded into the jeep and made our way down to the club to watch an Adult Themed Hypnotist in action. Since I have been hypnotized by this same man, I was eagerly awaiting my turn at “seeing” the show, not “being” the show. Although attendance was not what I had expected, it still turned out to be a rather um, interesting evening. It started out with 9 people on stage and slowly dwindled down to 4 volunteers. Now I’m not trying to diss hypnosis in the least since I know first hand that it really does work, but last night seemed a bit more on the theatrical side of it all. Many times it seemed as though there were 2 supposed audience volunteers that didn’t quiet fit the show theme. In other words, I guess I’m trying to say I think those 2 were planted on stage to make it more entertaining since attendance was so low. Anyway, all in all, phony or not, the show did keep us laughing and certainly brought back memories of my night being under hypnosis.
Today has been hectic as usual when the programs for young soccer players are running. I did have an almost tearful moment when one of the children I had many years ago popped in with his dad and said hello to me. He really did remember me and it warmed my heart as his dad spoke of his deceased wife and what a grand lady she was. The hug this child gave me, well, there are no words to describe it. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the way her young son looked as his eyes filled with love and happiness while he listened to dad speak so highly of his mother.
The sun is shinning and although it’s pretty cold out, it still is a wonderful snowless day for the end of January. I’m sure we will probably be slammed within the next little while with all the snow but until then, I will pull up my big girl panties and take the cold with a smile. Have a good day everyone!
1 comment:
It was a great nite. Can't wait til Saturday now.
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