Warm flesh is being pressed out first by a firm hand and then a remote is pushed and a wall of classy modern looking steel pushes down on the said warm flesh. After being given directions the other side is done. Another set of instructions are given and as the walls of this machine tilt and move closer I am forced to snuggle up to the body of this machine. After what seems like an eternity but in fact was only 13 seconds on each side, I was told to sit. Although the person was friendly and very caring I still wanted to get back into my top and escape into the mild night air of an October evening. Yes my dear bloggers I had the wonderful experience of a mammogram. Although it isn’t all that painful I am glad that I don’t have to feel the discomfort of it for another 2yrs.
After spending a nice lazy relaxing day at home I was able to drag my arse into work. There were a few items that were left on the desk by one of the main office staff and since our Supervisor is away on vacation I tended to those items first thing. The first ball hockey group is now on the floor and the center is quiet. Wow, that’s usually not a thing I am able to claim here at the centre. I think I am just going to bask in the glory of a very mild night at work!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
sweeping out a bit of dust
What a tiring weekend. Yesterday I covered the centre for my P.I.C and spent all day down there. Everything ran smoothly and nothing exciting happened, so it seemed like the minutes just dragged by. I was at the center by 9:30am and by the time the rental group upstairs had vacated; it was 6:00pm. With the supervisor off on vacation there is no usual pile of work left on the desk. I was able to do a few things to have ready for next weekend and straightened a few things here and there. I spent a bit of time talking with a good friend on the phone and even gossiped a bit on Face Book, but the minutes just crawled by. It’s funny how tired one feels when they are not doing anything except sitting. When I got home it was the usual chores of making dinner and straightening up with a few choice words as an appetizer to a certain person who also did nothing all day except watch T.V. When I win the lottery, not only am I moving to the tropics, but I am also going to have staff to wait on me hand and foot. I have been the waitress for years and I would dearly love to feel the luxury of being waited on for a change.
Ok, there is nothing worse then a whiner so I will stop right there, pull up my big girl panties, blow my nose nice and loud and put on a smile since I am at work again. When the first sports group arrived this morning it helped my mood a bit since every one of them said good morning with a smile as they passed the office on the way to the gym. The second group is slowly arriving and as usual I have a few chatters from that sports group who always seem to stop by and spend a few minutes talking about how the past week went. It makes me feel good that they feel comfortable enough to spend some time talking with me and yes, some talks get rather personal. (I can just imagine the gasps of shock on some faces when they read that). Oh well, if your jaw is open and dragging the floor, please close it and take it how ever you want. Oh and if you decide you need to gossip about my last statement add a bit if spice into it please, I enjoy colourful and steamy gossip.
Ok, I guess I’m done for now so have a wonderful fun filled Sunday and remember…..
Be thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of your nose!
Ok, there is nothing worse then a whiner so I will stop right there, pull up my big girl panties, blow my nose nice and loud and put on a smile since I am at work again. When the first sports group arrived this morning it helped my mood a bit since every one of them said good morning with a smile as they passed the office on the way to the gym. The second group is slowly arriving and as usual I have a few chatters from that sports group who always seem to stop by and spend a few minutes talking about how the past week went. It makes me feel good that they feel comfortable enough to spend some time talking with me and yes, some talks get rather personal. (I can just imagine the gasps of shock on some faces when they read that). Oh well, if your jaw is open and dragging the floor, please close it and take it how ever you want. Oh and if you decide you need to gossip about my last statement add a bit if spice into it please, I enjoy colourful and steamy gossip.
Ok, I guess I’m done for now so have a wonderful fun filled Sunday and remember…..
Be thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of your nose!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Happy Day after Turkey Day
What wonderful weather we had this year for Thanksgiving. The temperatures were a bit above normal and the sun was shinning. I couldn’t ask for a better fall Sunday to have the big feast. All turned out well and everyone had more than enough to eat. After desert was consumed everyone pitched in to clean up and then we all sat back with a glass of wine and relaxed. My brother came into town and ended up staying for dinner which was an added bonus. With mom and dad both gone now it makes us siblings even closer. Well it makes my brother and I a lot closer now. My two sisters…well that’s another story. Sometimes there just isn’t any fixing to family links that have rusted and spread apart and we just have to except it and move forward.
Today I had my first physical in more than 13 yrs. I know damn, stop gasping. I shocked the Doctor as well, but it was not my fault that my old Doctor retired and I wasn’t able to find another. Anyway, even after 13 years I was given a clean bill of health. Yes P.I.C., my iron is a taaaaad bit low, but not enough for medication. Daily iron pills should take care of it. (If I take them on a daily basis) even my cholesterol level was good! Anyway, I did have a slight scare with my blood work. It seemed that after my initial blood work, I had to go and have another blood test. It seemed there was a problem with my electrolytes and the Doctor wanted to double check. Well after all is said and done, everything is fine. Everything is in tip top shape. It seems the lab took a bit more time than usual to run the different tests and when blood sits in the vial to long, the blood starts to separate and all sorts of different and funky things happen to it. Now I am doing the happy dance, because well, for some odd reason they did not do the usual dreaded “Pap Smear”. I’m not sure if they forgot, or whether the physical is kept separate or just what, but I was not going to remind them. I’m sure when I least expect it, I will get a call and when my eyes focus on the caller id I’m sure my woo who will spasm in despair. I am also scheduled the “breast crusher” test at the end of the month so that will be a joy in a half….NOT. This is the time of year when people start getting excited and start planning their Christmas holiday cheer. Me…I have this poem AND vision in my head I just can’t shake. It really is haunting me. T’was the night before my mammogram when all through my head, visions of flattened udders followed me to bed……
Tonight I am sitting here at work. My supervisor left nothing for me to do, so hence my blogging and facebook log in. Thank God the City has not banned facebook on city computers………yet.
Oooopppps a facebook message just came in…time to chat for a few….got to go….. ttyl….lol
Have a good night everyone!
Today I had my first physical in more than 13 yrs. I know damn, stop gasping. I shocked the Doctor as well, but it was not my fault that my old Doctor retired and I wasn’t able to find another. Anyway, even after 13 years I was given a clean bill of health. Yes P.I.C., my iron is a taaaaad bit low, but not enough for medication. Daily iron pills should take care of it. (If I take them on a daily basis) even my cholesterol level was good! Anyway, I did have a slight scare with my blood work. It seemed that after my initial blood work, I had to go and have another blood test. It seemed there was a problem with my electrolytes and the Doctor wanted to double check. Well after all is said and done, everything is fine. Everything is in tip top shape. It seems the lab took a bit more time than usual to run the different tests and when blood sits in the vial to long, the blood starts to separate and all sorts of different and funky things happen to it. Now I am doing the happy dance, because well, for some odd reason they did not do the usual dreaded “Pap Smear”. I’m not sure if they forgot, or whether the physical is kept separate or just what, but I was not going to remind them. I’m sure when I least expect it, I will get a call and when my eyes focus on the caller id I’m sure my woo who will spasm in despair. I am also scheduled the “breast crusher” test at the end of the month so that will be a joy in a half….NOT. This is the time of year when people start getting excited and start planning their Christmas holiday cheer. Me…I have this poem AND vision in my head I just can’t shake. It really is haunting me. T’was the night before my mammogram when all through my head, visions of flattened udders followed me to bed……
Tonight I am sitting here at work. My supervisor left nothing for me to do, so hence my blogging and facebook log in. Thank God the City has not banned facebook on city computers………yet.
Oooopppps a facebook message just came in…time to chat for a few….got to go….. ttyl….lol
Have a good night everyone!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving

Not much has really happened lately, well not anything worth writing about. I’m back into the routine of working and as the colder weather approaches so do the busy hours. All the groups have returned and when I’m not home I’m usually here. I’m not going to complain either. Well not yet anyway. I’ll give it until the nasty bitter cold winter nights are here and then you’ll hear me bitch, but until then, all is good.
Things seem to be on an even keel at work since one co-worker has yet to come back. It’s good not having to control the muttering of ones words quietly under ones breath as a certain person complains and bitches about every little thing. Hopefully she has finally decided that it was time for her to move onto the next stage in her life. Our Supervisor finally got around to the dreaded “Job Evaluations” and low and behold I had an excellent one. Usually there was something she said that I needed to improve on and even though I have always done the best that I could it was never good enough. Over the years I was constantly compared to others and that pissed me off a lot. This time as she talked to me she did say she was impressed with my work ethics and that I have come a long way. She said she was very pleased at the way I have grown within my duties and that she knows I will continue to do so. The funny thing is, I haven’t changed anything. I am still me and even my co-worker would agree, there is nothing different about my work ethics. I really was impressed when she noted that I have a good rapport with all the user groups. I guess the customer service smile really does pay off!
Time seems to have just flown by. Here it is almost mid October; I’m sitting here at work, looking out the office window and seeing all the trees that where filled with green leaves 3 weeks ago have now turned to brown, red, orange and yellow. Our back yard is usually covered in early morning sun, but this morning, even the sun didn’t keep the frost off the grass. Yes fall is really here.
This morning before heading off to work, I stuffed my turkey and set it in the oven to start cooking while I do the customer smile thing down at the Centre for a few hours. I know I’ll come home to a house full of the wonderful aroma of turkey cooking. All the kids will be here this year and that’s a really nice feeling. This year I was able to escape the “Out-Law’s” coming to dinner. I have no idea why the “God of Sanity” spared me this year, but hells bells I owe her big time and will be secretly smiling and giving thanks for this years reprieve.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
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