Friday, April 27, 2012

The Letter X


All women run the risk receiving the X-Burn/Tan. It’s not very appealing and yes it may be very painful if afflicted with this unsightly mark. Of course I’m talking about the X marked sun burn/tan that may occur if the back of your summer shirt happens to be criss-crossed. It’s especially bad if you are prone to tanning since this mark will be clearly visible for a very long time, making it difficult to hide the mark if one wants to wear the cool backless summer dress.

There are two ways to avoid this summer affliction. One is to make sure your back is fully covered so the heat of the sun will not discolour your skin, therefore keeping your skin the same colour.

The other is to expose your back fully so the sun can beat down on it in order to discolour your entire back. This way it will be all one colour.

Of course the choice is yours, but I can assure you that THIS X will definitely mark the spot.


JoJo said...

I do admire people that tan, whether or not they end up with funky tanlines! I burn, peel and go back to white, unless of course I get a rash from the sun first, which seems to happen more and more. lol

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

OW! Been there, done that! What a clever post for the letter X. Twenty-four down, two to go ...

Unknown said...

I would be happy to get such an ugly sunburn. I rarely ever burn. :( Maybe I'm not real because I'm sure this isn't normal!

Cassie Mae said...

Just go topless! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

My back is always fully covered. There's something I just don't like about having my back stared at by a complete stranger when I am standing in a line somewhere.