Monday, April 1, 2013

The Letter A

A is for After Eight Mints and Appendix Operation

Back more than a few years ago when I was 17 years old I had to have my appendix out. Back in those days you were admitted into the hospital the day before surgery to be prepped and starved for the next day’s operation.  The night before I had my surgery I wandered up and down the hallway since I was pretty scared and ended up at the sun-room. There was a rather good looking guy that was sitting there and we began to talk up a storm. He told me he was in for a skin grafting procedure on his arm after a motorcycle accident. Within that short amount of time we really got to know each other. Two strangers in the night per say (ok so that’s a bit cheesy) anyway we really had a good time and talked far into the night. Well not that late since the nurse in charge of my case ordered me back into bed since I had a scheduled surgery first thing in the morning. My new friend smiled and squeezed my hand wishing me a speedy recovery time and promised he would see me before either of us was discharged from the hospital.  My surgery went well and after my operation I was put into the recovery room until the anesthetic wore off. When I was wheeled back to my room, there on my pillow was a red rose and a box of After Eight Chocolate Mints from my hospital friend. To this day I still think back to that time in the hospital and smile. If it wasn’t for needing my appendix out, I would have never met him. I haven’t seen or heard from him sense, but I often wonder where he is and how he is doing. And YES I do love chocolate mints…especially After Eight’s J


HeatherL said...

Ohh!! So sweet! Isn't it always at the most stressful moments we can find a companion like that! I took my first "alone" road trip when I was 16 - a greyhound bus to visit family friends. At one point the bus I was on broke down and I ended up missing all of my connecting buses. While I waited in the Richmond Bus Depot, another traveler, a guy in his mid twenties, kept me company and bought me some chips and a drink. Told me I reminded him of his kid sister.

Great start to the challenge!

sue said...

love the title of your blog. Oh nice story. Everyone has people like that who we never see again. I think it's so sad.

JoJo said...

What a sweet story!!! I love it! I wonder whatever became of him?

Unknown said...

This is the cutest thing I have ever read, it has made me really happy. I did think you were going to say you ended up getting married though, so I am a little bit disappointed!x

Dana Martin said...

Just stopping by during the A-Z Blog Tour. I love this story! Keep up the good work. I love reading stuff like this. :)

Happy April!

Susan Kane said...

Ahhh, great memory/story. I bet he tells the same story in his own way.

J.L. Campbell said...

That was a sweet gesture. I'd think about it too if I were you.

Unknown said...

what a lovely story.

Samantha Anderson said...

Very sweet story!