Friday, April 5, 2013

The Letter E

E is for Embarrassing Moment

Not too long ago I had a job interview. I had finally come on a job that I really really wanted and I searched this place on the internet to learn all I could about it. The night before the interview I went over the usual questions that were normally asked to make sure my answers sounded intelligent and that I had really learned about this place. I wanted to make a good impression.  My interview was for 9:30am the next morning so I went to bed early so I would look well rested and eager to be sitting in front of a potential employer.

I got up early and had my shower, did my hair, applied a small amount of make-up and got dressed. I arrived 15 minutes before my interview showing that I really was eager to join the employer’s team. The interview was going perfectly that is until I felt a rumble in my stomach. I was trying not to shift around too much in the chair. I was answering all her questions without batting an eye when the unthinkable happened.

I could feel it building up and thought to myself …dear god nooooooooo not now please. I tried shifting again and could feel it deep inside. She was skimming over my resume when all of a sudden this loud rumble filled the air. I closed my eyes and prayed that that noise was only heard by me but when I opened my eyes I knew it wasn’t. That’s right. I farted. It wasn’t a quiet poof either…it was a loud rumble. She was classy enough not to say anything but I could see that she was holding back a giggle. All I could say was “my goodness, excuse me” with as much dignity as I could muster. She smiled and said nothing.  We continued the interview and after it was over she shook my hand as I departed. She said that she would be in touch. She called a few days later and said that she had filled the position but would keep my resume on hand in case things didn’t work out. I can’t help but wonder if that puff of air that snuck out was the real reason?


Anonymous said...

Wonderful ... you are not alone to been in that situation - I don't think it would have effected your chance to get the job, if so .. that company isn't the right place to work anyhow. Thanks for a big smile.

Anonymous said...

I forgotten to wish you good look with the challenge ...

JoJo said...

I'm soooo sorry to laugh at your expense but OMG that was a riot!!! You poor thing!!! I always say better out and bear the shame than in and bear the pain!!

Tahoma Beadworks & Photography

Gossip_Grl said...

OMGosh I didn't mean to laugh at the posting and I am sorry you didn't get the job. I hope it didn't have to do with the poot though. :/ It's only normal and everyone does it, even those who say they don't! :) I'm not sure of your age, but this didn't become a problem until mid life and menopause. The one time in my life that I want to bring sexy back and poots can really spoil it! :)

orneryswife said...

I really shouldn't laugh, but haven't we all had those moments? What a fun E Day entry!

sue said...

yes embarrassing for sure, but you'll never know if that is the reason you didn't get the job. Did you have breakfast that morning?

Anonymous said...

That is awful!! How embarrassing indeed!

AJ Lauer said...

Oh, how embarrassing! I hope you are able to find a different job, and that there are no mishaps in your next interview!

Happy A-Z'ing! You're almost done with the first week!

AJ Lauer
#atozchallenge helper minion
Twitter: @ayjaylauer

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I feel so bad for you. I hope it didn't ruin your chances.

Mel Chesley said...

Omigosh! I bet that was embarrassing and yes, I did give a chuckle myself. Only because I have my fair share of embarrassing moments! Good luck in the A-Z challenge.

Mel at Writings, Musings and Other Such Nonsense